Disappearing Footsteps
April 2009♥♥May 2009♥♥June 2009♥♥July 2009♥♥August 2009♥♥October 2009♥♥November 2009♥♥February 2010♥♥March 2010♥♥April 2010♥♥May 2010♥♥June 2010

Monday, July 27, 2009
-12:03 AM

I just got home.You'd swear it's the forth of July over in the park.Some little bastards started a fire down at the bottom of the park,The whole playground is gone up.I was lucky i went over there when i did.I just happened to be taking the dogs for a walk over there and seen it,i took off back home to call 911.
Saturn donated that whole playground set a year ago.It was brand new.It's bad enough the teenagers are over there drinking every night.Smashing bear bottles all over the place,But then to go do something like that.It's horrible.What the hell is wrong with today's youth.They have everything.Computers,Video Games,Cell Phones,and about a million other things,But they still have to go out and make idiots of themselves.

The Chesire Cat disappeared leaving its grin to last.

Sunday, July 26, 2009
-6:44 PM

I am sure i have the swine flu.I've been sick for almost a month now.I have to go to the doctor tomorrow to get my B12 shot.I'll have to see what he has to say.Bloody hell if it's out there to get,I'll find a way to get it.Leave it to me.
I went to the Lantern festival last night,and just as i had expected it was beautiful.There wasn't as many people this year as last though.I managed to get a few pictures on my phone.There not that great but at least i got some.I'll have to upload those later.My mother came and we went over to my aunt's house so she could come along with us.She lives right next door to me,so i didn't have to go too far.The three of us are pretty tight.So we usually do alot of stuff together.My aunt is pretty much a second mother to me.My mom always says that she should of had me,because we are so much alike.
On our way over to the park this girl walked past us with no shoes on her feet,She had the biggest head of hair i have ever seen.It was orange in color,she looked just like carrot top.It was freaky,i thought she was a dude at first.She had this hippy looking dress on and she was wrecked out of her head.She came right up to me and was like" ummm that smells so good".I was like"Yeah,sure,okay."I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.It was nuts.All i could wonder was where in the name of god were her shoes.I should of offered her a pair of mine,after all she was in front of my house.I never thought of it at that moment,But then again i think her shoes were probably the last thing on her mind.
The most amazing thing happened after the festival.We had a down pour.The sky opened up and we had thunder and lighting.I stayed up until three o'clock this morning watching it.It was so beautiful.The sound of the rain has got to be one of the most relaxing sounds.
A buddy of mine just got his heart broken,by a girl he was seeing for awhile.I myself have had my heart broken in the past.So i do know what he is going through to some extent.He feels pretty crappy at the moment,so nothing i really say makes any difference.He's thirty years old and thinks that he will never find "The One"I'm tired of telling him he is only young.He needs to forget about girls for awhile(They're only trouble anyways) and live it up.When the time is right he will find someone,being single is not the end of the world.When you're meant to find someone you will.Nine chances out of ten you find someone when you're not even looking.So you heard it here people....STOP LOOKING!!!!
It's kind of funny when you think about it,a large percentage of the people in this world are looking for someone to love them and share a life with.But the funny thing is,most of them don't even know themselves.How can you give part of yourself to someone else when you yourself don't really know who you are or what you want?Which is probally why the divorce rate is so high,People would rather settle with someone....anyone then be alone.It's kind of sad when you really think about it.

The Chesire Cat disappeared leaving its grin to last.

Thursday, July 23, 2009
-1:39 PM

Did anyone get a chance to catch Big Brother on Tuesday.Russell scares me.I think he has alittle bit of a rage problem.I guess someone forgot to tell him it is not socially acceptable to scream in people's faces.He needs a good smack on the arse if you ask me.
I would be no good for a reality show like that.I wouldn't be able to back stab and plot the way some of them on there do.What some people would do for money.I don't know when the world became so money hungry.
I never grew up around alot of money,my parents struggled alot,But i was happy and knew i was loved.You can't put a price on that.I went to a school on the rich side of town and alot of my friend's came from money and had big houses and everything they wanted.They weren't bad people,alittle spoiled maybe.But most of them were miserable.They had all the money they wanted and most of the time had the house to themselves for all the parties they wanted,Some of them even had credit cards.It was never said but i know looking back now they probably wish things had been different.Sometimes you can have everything but still have nothing.
Sometimes i wonder how my parents did it though,they both worked,until i turned ten and started getting sick then my mom stayed home with me.All those times with me and all those surgeries,treatments and hospital stays.I was sick a long time.I wish i had half of there strength.That's why i have my parents living with me now.They spent most of there lives taking care of me and now almost twenty five years later i am able to look after them,which makes me feel like a million bucks.I know that that's part of being a parent.But they went above and beyond.
That is one of the reason's St.Jude's Children's hospital means so much to me.I know what it's like to be sick and i've seen the affects it can have on the family.I've lived it.Do you know what really touches my heart.Some of those children are in the darkest places you and I could never imagine and you'll never find a picture of them not smiling.They truly are beautiful.One of these days i am going to make it down there and i am going to meet the staff,the children and the family's.It's fine to just donate,anybody can do that but i want to meet them.I want to hear there stories.It would be one of the hardest things in the world for me to do,But i want to do it and someday i know in my heart i will do it.

The Chesire Cat disappeared leaving its grin to last.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
-12:47 PM

I don't know if any of you have been watching the news lately,But that eight year old girl from Ontario that went missing back in April,well they found her body.My heart goes out to her family.What they must be going through.No parent should ever have to lose there child,not that way.
Two people have been charged for her murder.They should never see the outside world again in my opinion.How could anybody hurt a child?I think sometimes i go into shock when i hear these kind of stories,Because sometimes i tend to live in my own little world where i forget not everybody thinks or feels the way i do.I also have a part of my personality that is very sensitive,Where i can almost feel other people's pain and pick up on there energy.Even strangers.I've been like it since i was a child.That's probably why i was never mean to anybody when i was in school.It's probably what caused alot of people to take advantage of me too.I don't let it bother me though,I seem to be no worse for wear.I've learned over time it is no good being a people pleaser,If you can't please yourself.So i've found somewhat of a middle ground.
I can't wait for the weekend.On Saturday at the park across from my house they are having the yearly "Lantern Festival".They make a village out of lanterns that starts from the top of the hill and goes half way down.It is one of the most beautiful sights to see.It takes them a very long time to light them all though.But in the end it is worth it.It really looks amazing.The day before they have a camp where anyone can come and make there own Lantern to take to the festival.When it comes on dark they start at the bottom of the park with live entertainment.They have people flame throwers and these huge dragons that put on a show.Once that is over the drum players come out and everybody gathers together to walk to the top of the hill to the village with there own lanterns.I always stay on the hill under this tree right next to the village.I can see the show perfect from there and also all the people as they come up.All you can hear is drums and see these beautiful stars coming towards you.I love it.

The Chesire Cat disappeared leaving its grin to last.

Saturday, July 18, 2009
-4:41 PM

Have you ever felt like everything in your life is right at that moment,but still like something was missing?That is exactly how i am feeling.There is nothing wrong with me,I'm not depressed or sad,But i just feel like there's something...I don't know what it is,But something is just not there.I'm probably making absolutely no sense at the moment.I know how i'm feeling,Its just finding the right words to describe it is difficult.It's a very odd feeling,to say the least.
I've been listening to that new song by Our Lady Peace."All you did was save my life".It's pretty good.I wasn't a huge fan when i first heard it on the radio.I guess i had to hear it a few times.I'm weird like that sometimes.
I know I may sound alittle full of myself but it has to be said....I spell really good right now.I just got a shower in my Beauty Rush Shower Gel and put on my cream and spray,and I spell just like cotton candy.It's Victoria Secret. and it is so good.It's like alittle piece of heaven.I have all different ones.I have them all actually,But the cotton candy is my favourite.
I think i'm going to go try and see if there is anything worth while on tv and then try to get some sleep.Goodnight Everybody.Sweet Dreams.

The Chesire Cat disappeared leaving its grin to last.

Friday, July 17, 2009
-2:37 PM

I thought i couldn't watch anything funnier then that last picture i posted.Well i was dead wrong.I just finished watching a video these three guys made making fun of this Twilight Fan.I hate to admit it...but she kind of scared me alittle.She says she is going to be meeting the cast in a few months...Sweet Jesus...I hope Robert Pattinson can run fast.
Don't get me wrong..I myself am a fan of Robert Pattinson.I admire his work and i think he is very talented,But so are alot of other people.He's only human.Girls are out there going crazy for this guy...saying they love him and want to have his babies.Its nuts.This guy could be the biggest asshole on the planet,but nobody cares.Not many people even knew who he was before Twilight.Now look at him the guy can't walk down the street without being attacked.I feel bad for him.If he takes a piss he's got to answer for it.
He has so many followers and people around him,But he's got to be lonely.If the guy even goes on a date magazines and website world-wide have him engaged and expecting a child.I hope for his own sake and sanity things die down soon.He is so young and has so many great things to experience yet.I hope he finds a nice girl for himself down the road who cares about who he is as a person,and who doesn't give a shit about what he has or does.
We should all apperciate our own lives alittle more.Sure things are hard.We're all trying to figure out who we really are, we even wonder if we will ever really find our true soul mate.But would you be able to do all those things in the public eye?Alot of people say they could.....but could they really?
I know how it feels alittle,because i have seen it first hand.My girlfriend Sophia is in the public eye and people want to know everything.And let me tell you it affects her.It affects every aspect of your life.She can't take her kids out without someone creeping about taking photos.They want to know who she's dating,they're there when a relationship ends and want to know her life story.It gets pretty crazy.I've had people stalk and harass me just to get to her.So if that doesn't make you appreciate your life and who you are i don't think anything will.
It's great to admire people,for whatever reason but you should respect them too!Do on to others as you would want them to do to you.Small but powerful statement.

The Chesire Cat disappeared leaving its grin to last.

-11:01 AM

I had to share this with you all.I came across it on Photobucket last night.I got a kick out of it.

The Chesire Cat disappeared leaving its grin to last.

Thursday, July 16, 2009
-5:17 PM

I can't wait until next week.My uncle Rick has some time off and is going to Harry Potter with me.I've heard good reviews about it,So i'll let you all know what i think about it next week.No spoilers,i promise.
I actually got my mom to watch the first one with me last night,and like i predicted she's totally into it,I'm going to watch the second one with her tonight.I think she is secretly waiting to get to the forth one to see Robert Pattinson.She thinks he's alittle hottie.My mom has a crush,how cute is that?(haha)I guess Johnny Depp has been replaced.
Speaking of Robert Pattinson,I had the weirdest dream last night.I dreamed i was cast in the movie Eclipse as an extra and he asked me out and i told him off.After doing a scene i met up with Paris Hilton and went to this club to try and find her dog Tinkerbell.The telling Robert off part sounds about right but Paris Hilton...WTF? They say all dreams have some kind of meaning....well if anyone can tell me the meaning behind that weirdness feel free.

The Chesire Cat disappeared leaving its grin to last.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
-5:09 PM

Its girls night for me and mom tonight..Dad's working so its just us girls.We're not sure what we're doing yet.I'm trying to talk her into watching Harry Potter with me.I got a feeling she'd really like it.
I went out with my parents today,to pick up a few odds and ends,while we were out dad took us to Mcdonald's for lunch.Before i even had a chance to eat my dad spilled coke all over me.I was a mess.I told him if he didn't like what i was wearing all he had to do was tell me.Once everyone finished eating i had to come home and get a shower.I didn't mind though,with the heat outside it was refreshing.
Something funny happened to me earlier.I got a message from a Kristen Stewart on Bebo.Now is this the real Kristen you may ask.I highly doubt it.I would think the real Kristen would be alittle more classy,alittle less rude and have much better things to do then message and add some random stranger.
I wonder how many poor people get fooled by "Fake Celebrity Accounts".It's alittle sad when you think about it.These obsessed fans build there whole lives around meeting or talking to the people they most admire and want to be like and get taken advantage of by being fed BS from other people who have too much time on there hands.Here is today's lesson people nine chances out of ten someone famous who has a account created on a social networking site isn't using there real name.If i got a hundred bucks for all the fake accounts created by people claiming to be my friend Sophia.I'd be able to feed a thrid world country.

The Chesire Cat disappeared leaving its grin to last.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
-2:07 PM

You really do learn something new everyday.Today's lession?When you create a new account on Facebook under a fake name its probally not a good idea to use "Pattinson" as your last name.The result:you have all of these 13 and 14 year old girls trying to add you asking you if you are related to Robert Pattinson.I think i am going to have to change that name ASAP.If not girls all over the world are going to crash my computor with email messages.Horny little misfits....it doesn't take them long to track down anything even assoisated with him.I only wanted to create a new accout because my old facebook has too many damn people on it bothering me.I used the first name that came to my mind.Not my best idea i guess.
I was up until three o clock this morning,just watching the rain.It was a relaxing experience,alittle lonley but nice.
I haven't seen any good movies latly...i think i might head up to BlockBuster this weekend and see if i can find something.I don't even know what is out now.I've been in my own little world with my Ipod and video games all week,so i don't really have any clue what is going on in the outside world of entertaiment.

The Chesire Cat disappeared leaving its grin to last.

Monday, July 13, 2009
-6:33 PM

I thought i would start out this evening with a funny little story about something that happened to me this weekend.I had decided to shave (i am sorry to give you guys that visual) after all it is bikini season,And i wasn't in the mood to torture myself by going and getting a wax.So i went to the drugstore to get some cream. I was getting ready to use it when i was almost knocked back with the smell of nail polish,the reason for this?It actually was nail polish.Someone had robbed the cream and replaced it with a lavender nail polish.I don't know if i was more embarrassed having to return it or the thought of having to go to the Emergency room covered in nail polish.Between the heat and lack of sleep i'm thankful my nose was working.Haven't you all learned a lesson from this experience?(and no its not that i am a moron)
I have officially become a "Harry Potter dork"(sorry my fellow dorks) i am counting down until the movie.I already have tickets.The only problem is i do not know one other person who follows it,Only my uncle.So i am thinking about asking him to go with me.He got me into Harry Potter and he did take me to see Men in Black when i was a kid.So i owe him.
I can't wait for Big Brother tomorrow night.I'm not usually a fan of reality tv shows,But i made an exception just this once.Now that Jesse is back in the house i think he's going to stir up some trouble.But would the viewers really want it any other way?I personally like Jesse.He doesn't sugar coat anything he says what he wants,people who don't sugar coat there feelings can sometimes be misunderstood and misread.I don't know how far those aspects of his personallity are going to get him in the game.Only time will tell i guess.
It is starting to cool d0wn alittle,i heard on the radio we're suppose to get thunder showers.I really hope so.I would love nothing more then a big old thunder and lighting storm.
I think i am going to take Beau over to the park for a walk and come back,work on my layout some more and probably get a quick shower.

The Chesire Cat disappeared leaving its grin to last.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009
-9:06 PM

Today calls for a celebration.Life is back to normal.......FINALLY.My grandmother was brought to the airport this afternoon,Her flight has since left and landed safely.I finally feel like my house is my own again,and getting my bedroom back to myself is a bonus.I am really looking forward to a nice bubble bath and crawling into bed with a good book tonight.Its kind of funny how when something major steps in and changes your routine you pray to just have things back the way they were,and promise yourself you'll appreciate it that much more.
I watched Michael Jackson's funeral on CNN today.Did anyone get a chance to catch it?It was really something else.I really felt bad for his children,They showed such amazing strength and grace.I wish nothing but great things for them.
Its so sad that all the great ones seem to come to such a tragic end.It makes you wonder if it's all really worth it sometimes.They spend most of there lives doing what they love most,and entertaining the world only to lose themselves.Its heartbreaking really.Its fine for society to pass judgement on these people and there lifestyles but when it comes down to it nobody knows what these people have to deal with or what is going on in there lives.Only what they see on tv and read in magazines and lets face it 99% of what they write or say is bull.

The Chesire Cat disappeared leaving its grin to last.

Sunday, July 05, 2009
-5:53 PM

Well it has been quite an eventful two weeks to say the least.My grandmother has been staying with me as you all know and while the first couple of days i was tempted to start drinking.Things seemed to worked out quite well,we both managed to sit down and talk out our differences and feelings and i think we both learned alot about each other.I told her alot about myself....all that is me..the good,the bad and the ugly.Its just too bad it took almost twenty five years. Well better late then never i guess.
I watched a robert pattinson video on twitter a few days ago.He was in New York filming his new movie and was attacked by all these girls.It was crazy.One actually wrapped herself around him.When did people become so obsessed with celebrities?I mean i think it's great that you can like someone,I myself like Robert as an actor but people sometimes go to hell with it.I can't understand it.I have a tip for you girls....i don't think putting Robert in a headlock is the way to his heart.Who knows maybe i'm wrong and this is the new way to pick up guys.I should go on the street and pick some random guy to try it on.But i feel bad for him,he has got to be lonley.I hope he finds a nice girl to settle down with when he's ready who cares about him who is he as a person and not for his job or looks or anything else.In this day and age it's a hard thing to come by though.
I have been keeping myself entertained on this new site i found called Pogo.Its a games site,i love it i think i spent one while day on there playing monopoly.Its great for when you're bored or gotta kill some time.

The Chesire Cat disappeared leaving its grin to last.

AllyAngelz Online
version: 7.0
In Wonderland

Best viewed in Internet Explorer 7.0
With a screen resoultion of 1224x768
Queen of Hearts

Alice in Wonderland Icon Pictures, Images and Photos>
Blue Eyes
Often Found Daydreaming
Gets Lost In The Music
Easily Amused
Doesn't Believe In Regret
Only Child
Curses Way Too Much
Hates Shopping
Gets Lost In The Music
Sometimes Experiences Road Rage
Never Makes The Same Mistake Twice
Has Panic Attacks
Thinks Scruff Is Sexy
Wishs Upon Stars
Never Holds A Grudge
Doesn't Drink
Plans To Go To England Someday
A Smoker
Scared Of Spiders
Dresses Up Every Halloween
Loves Cuddling
Not A Phone Person
Believes In Soulmates
Abit Of A Hermit
Thinks Seafood is Yuck
Has A High Pain Tolerance
Loves Action Movies
Has The Worst Attention Span
Admires Those Who Inspre Others
Can Drive A Stick
Hates My Boobs
No Patience For Moron Drivers
Wants To Shag Robert Pattinson
Animal Lover
A Night Owl
Feels Awkward In A Dress
Doesn't Wear Much Makeup
Believes In Ghosts
Stronger Then I Look
Not Afraid To Admit When I Am Wrong
Doesn't Kiss And Tell

Wait! Mr. Rabbit!

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today"

"People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built."

"But inside, I'm going, 'Oh my God, is my zipper up? Do I have a booger in my nose?' That's my inner monologue"

“A lot of things that happened [in the past] would have broken anybody else. I was able to survive. That's all that really matters.”

"If you have love in your life it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don't have it, no matter what else there is, it's not enough"